Ellert Mini-EL !!!SOLGT!!! Ellert Mini-EL !!!SOLGT!!! Ellert Mini-EL !!!SOLGT!!! Ellert Mini-EL !!!SOLGT!!! Ellert Mini-EL !!!SOLGT!!!

Martin B

Mand, 38 år, Vestsjælland
Oprettet: 17. feb 2004
Offline - Senest online: 2. jun 2014 Bruger er på filterliste

Why Aeroplanes Are Better Than Women:

-Aeroplanes can be turned on by a flick of a switch.

-An aeroplane's thrust to weight ratio is higher.

-An aerop1ane does not get mad if you "touch and go.”

-An aeroplane does not object to a pre-flight inspection

-Aeroplanes come with manuals.

-Aeroplanes have strict weight and balance limits.

-You can fly an aeroplane any time of the month.

-Aeroplanes like to do it inverted.

-Aeroplanes don't come with in-laws.

-Aeroplanes don't whine unless something is really wrong.

-Aeroplanes don't care about how many other aeroplanes you have flown,

-When flying, you and your aeroplane both arrive at the same time.

-Aeroplanes don't mind if you look at other aeroplanes.

-Aeroplanes don't mind if you buy aeroplane magazines.

-Aeroplanes don't mind if you rent another aeroplane.

-It's OK to use tie-downs on your aeroplane,

-An aeroplane will kill YOU quickly….. a woman takes her time.
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