Nissan patrol 4x4 3,3 TD *SOLGT* Nissan patrol 4x4 3,3 TD *SOLGT* Nissan patrol 4x4 3,3 TD *SOLGT* Nissan patrol 4x4 3,3 TD *SOLGT* Nissan patrol 4x4 3,3 TD *SOLGT*

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Mand, 93 år, Fyn
Oprettet: 15. sep 2004
Offline - Senest online: 19. mar 2021 Bruger er på filterliste

*Den der ler sidst, drikker mindst øl*

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"And shepherds we shall be, for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Et Spiritus Sancti.".

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