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hvad skal der præcist stå her? forstår det ikke helt
We are currently still at all clear with our fleet.
The money you receive in any case. We thought that our accounting department hasalready sent you the money for the oil pan. 'm Sorry but has caused us for the damage that we are not forwarding the blame.
It can also be forwarding this has caused your damage. It clarifies, however, ourshipping company.
Is that okay for you? Or how do we agree now.
apr 2007
Følger: 102 Følgere: 100 Biler: 5 Emner: 362 Svar: 1.114
Men et eller andet med at de er clear altså ja indforstået eller sådan med deres flåde´.. pengene vil du modtage uanset hvad der sker ( tror jeg der sku stå) vi troede "en eller anden" havde sendt dig dem..
ej opgiver sku hah
aug 2009
Følger: 15 Følgere: 14 Biler: 2 Emner: 37 Svar: 396
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