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En SUPER glad kunde :-) {{forumTopicSubject}}

Jeg fik lige en super nice anderkendelse af en rigtig glad kunde som jeg lige har tunet og optimeret bil for .. Bilen er en gammel fin BMW 320 I fra 1985 ..

Bilen er personens drømme bil, som han købte for ½ år siden .. da den kom ned til mig brugte den køler vand, alt var ude af justerig. Bilen har kun kørt 150.000 km, men alligevel var knast, løftere osv slidt ned ..

Kunden havde altid drømt at få en tunet motor / racer motor i en bil .. Senere til foråret vil der komme uderligere upgrades, som affjedring, ballancering af krumtap mm .. men op til nu er der lavet :
Flowet og portet top og ventiler.
282 graders knast, andre løftere, sæder ændret, kamre modificeret .
Banan manifold på udst siden.
modificeret indsugningsmanifold, og brændstofsystem.
og alt i komplet service, remme, justeringer osv .. .. her er kundens reaktion :

Norbert Krasovski

19. december.

A manual on how to deliver a car to a customer and make him super Freaking FANTASTINGLY (i know..) on the abnormal level, in other simple to human beings, words - HAPPY:

You come to a workshop. You are seated in a passengers seat. "The Pro" explains you what was done and how was done. Then he starts to drive. He shows how this and that works while you drive. He then shows you what not to do. Then he gives you a ride to show what you are about to experience yourself. You can't tell him a compliment cause your lungs are filled with superior joy and some sort of vacuum which stops you from giving any other sounds, but hicking kinda sorta laughter once. He stops playing on your nerves and drives calmly. You then have a very nice chit-chat while you drive back to the workshop. You spend another half an hour getting directions and simple "how to's" and "how not's" just to know what needs to be done if so or so. Then you have more chitty chat. Then you give him a sincere See You Soon! Spectacular work!

Ahhhhhhh! (air grasp)

... then you sit behind the wheel. You adjust all the mirrors, seats, legs, backs, balls, eyes, secondary eyes, you swipe with your tongue through a front of your teeth and start the engine. You feel in AVE! Heaven exists! Heaven is here and now! You listen to the engine for a few minutes while giving gentle pinches on the throttle. You then drive out. You drive, you still can not believe that you finally after 4 weeks of waiting have it with you. In your arms. You feel good. Feel great. Feel abnormal. DIVINE! You continue your drive in most exciting, twisty, up and down raising roads you could possibly imagine testing your first drive in your NEW car. Yes it is completely new experience. That awesome feeling knowing you have an old timer with almost modern engines performance. Awesome. No other words to describe it. And even tho it is late night, you thought you were broken in half after long and very stressed work day, you have so much strenght and vitality that you could drive straight hours without stopping. Then highway (motorway). Amazing Le Pain - EP by Dan Brown, smile, and easy, entertaining ride home.

Now i can sleep in peace.

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En SUPER glad kunde :-)
